Biotoptypenkartierung Stadt Zürich
Signalisierte Geschwindigkeiten in der Stadt Zürich
Boezen Flyer
Boezen Flyer Vektorkarte
Boezen im Wandel der Zeit
OpenStreetMap KEY:sac_scale Karte
OpenStreetMap KEY:sac_scale Karte
Base Layer
- Title
- Religionen_CH
- Description
- This Project has the aim to visualise the changes from more or less 100% percent one religion communities to more mixed religions communities in the Sitzerland communities from 1850 to today.
The data source comes from Eidgenössisches Departement des Innern EDI, Bundesamt für Statistik BFS and is protect with OPEN-BY-ASK which mean that any commercial usage of the data without the explicit permit from BFS is forbidden.
Author: Peter Berger,
- Projection
- EPSG:2056
- Extent
- 2462198.65660655125975609, 1032677.93062200932763517, 2855948.65660655125975609, 1332374.2868973130825907
- Web Map Service
- WMS Url
- WMTS Url