Biotoptypenkartierung Stadt Zürich
Signalisierte Geschwindigkeiten in der Stadt Zürich
Boezen Flyer
Boezen Flyer Vektorkarte
Boezen im Wandel der Zeit
OpenStreetMap KEY:sac_scale Karte
OpenStreetMap KEY:sac_scale Karte
Base Layer
- Title
- Public transport stops related to communities
- Description
- Switzerland has a very well public transport system. The maps here try to visualize the count of stops per community and related information.
What is not reflected at the moment ow ofter a stop is served during a day. Until now I haven't found data about it. - Organization
- BERGI IT Consulting
- Person
- Peter Berger
- peter.berger (at)
- Projection
- EPSG:2056
- Extent
- 2447333.29672747291624546, 1068175.80159375234507024, 2906577.75532534718513489, 1321930.63325022323988378
- Web Map Service
- WMS Url
- WMTS Url